
Showing posts from March, 2020
Matthew Bishop 3/3/20 Personally, as a student in the middle of this crisis, I think all this quarantining and cyber school stuff can be considered a positive thing. Number one, it shows our grateful we should be as we have food on the table, a roof over our head, nice clothing, hot water and much more. There are other kids out there who hate home, and they try to be away from their home as much as they can, but can't with all this. Secondly, it's a chance to better ourselves. To become closer with our families, to workout more, to become a better person during these tough times. To not copy off of someone's work but to take the needed time and do your own. To have integrity and put effort in what your doing, even if you don't like it. I think this is a perfect time to better ourselves as individuals, to become a better friend, family member and a person.
Matthew Bishop 3/26/20 Plague of Athens- Killed an estimate of 75,000 to 100,000 people in Athens. It entered Athens through Piraeus, the city's port and sole source of food and supplies.In response to the disease, laws became stricter, resulting in the punishment of non-citizens claiming to be Athenian. Symptoms of the disease included fever, sore throat, vomiting, coughing, redness and inflammation of the eyes, insomnia, diarrhea, etc. Corona virus- Symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. In all, there are 22,000 deaths of the corona virus, with 490,000 confirmed cases. Compare- Both viruses have flu-like symptoms with a fever, coughing, and shortness of breath, and both disease have devastated communities. The Plague of Athens destroyed Athens while corona has destroyed the U.S because there are no activities, everything is closed, and the world is on shutdown.
Matthew Bishop 3/25/20 Phillip 2: King Phillip 2 was the King of Spain, King of Portugal, King of Naples, and Sicily. He was also Duke of Milan. He led a highly debt- leveraged regime in 157, 1560, 1569, 1575, and 1596. He signed the Treaty of Joinville on 31 December 1584. He was the father of Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great: King of Macedon. He was born in Pella in 356 BC, and had the throne at 20 years old. By 30, he created one of the largest empires the world had seen at the time. This stretched from Greece to India. He was undefeated in battle. He overthrew Darius 3 and conquered the Achaemenid Empire. Darius 3: The last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia. Darisus was born in 380 BC, and died in July 330 BC, by his cousin Satrap Bessus. In 334 BC, Alexander the Great began his invasion of the Persian Empire, and defeated the Persians in a number of battles. They than destroyed their capital Persepolis, before going after Darius. He died before they could get
Matthew Bishop 3/23/20  Alexander the Great and Bucephalus, his horse, had a wonderful relationship. Only Alexander could ride him, and they were inseparable. Alexander first saw the horse in Macedonia as he sat in the audience and finally approached the horse and mounted him. Alexander rid him in every battle. After they defeated Darius, Bucephalus was kidnapped while Alexander was on excursion. Alexander promised to fell every tree, lay the countryside to waste, and slaughter every inhabitant to waste, He soon got his horse back. After Buecephalus died, Alexander founded a city after him named Bucephala.
Matthew Bishop 3/20/20 Throughout the first week of cyber school, to be honest, I dislike it very much. Sure, it's nice waking up later and not having to get dressed everyday, but online classes are so much more difficult than going to school and learning. It's much harder learning while not having anyone teaching you the stuff, and having to learn it by yourself. This is also very confusing for the first time, which adds a level of difficulty. Tests ad quizzes, to me, aren't easier for whatever reason. Overall, I can't wait to go back to school as I do not personally like cyber school.
Matthew Bishop 3/19/20 The generals who commanded the force of Athens that defeated Sparta in a battle in the sea were thrown into jail by their own country. This was because they didn't have time to get the men who died in battle, which was considered a crime. Socrates tried to go against this ruling, as he thought it was the wrong thing to do. He was the only one who thought this however.
Matthew Bishop 3/17/20  Pericles' plan of trying to make Athens the strongest power in the Mediterranean didn't go well at all. He depended on ships and fleets to provide food and other resources for survival, but one of these ships brought a terrible disease that wiped out 1/3 of Athens as well as Pericles himself. After a four month battle with the disease Pericles died, and this destroyed Athens as it was obvious that he was the link to the whole city-state. With no real leader, countless people tried to take his role, and nothing worked.
Matthew Bishop 3/16/20 Pericles wanted to create a stronger democracy. He did this by increasing the number of public officials who were paid salaries. The poorest citizens could now serve if elected. This resulted in Athens being more democratic than any other city-state in history at the time. This than lead to direct democracy. Direct democracy is a form of democracy that is run through the citizens and not the representatives. The Delian League was an alliance that gave money to Pericles and Athens to create the strongest navy in the Mediterranean. It also gave Pericles money to help beautify Athens
Matthew Bishop 3/13/20 In class today we talked about our incoming two or more weeks of online school. We discussed how assignments will be completed, how much time assignments will take, what time assignments are due and a lot of other things. Personally, I am not looking forward to online school because it will take some time to get used to and will be more difficult to learn than in person at school.
Matthew Bishop 3/10/20-3/11/20                                                      The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization -Cleisthenes was brought up to be a ruler -Cleisthenes was born in around 570 BC and was born into one of the richest families of Greece -Cleisthenes was taught to be an aristocrat -Athenians rarely wrote or read -Medicine wasnt a thing -Life expectancy at birth was 15 years -Sparta had the best military power -Helots were forced to work in the fields of Sparta -Olympic games were founded in 776 BC -Greeks would travel hundreds of miles to attend the Olympics -Women were prohibited to play or even watch the Olympics -Athenians were outnumbered 2 to 1 against the Persians -Greeks defeated the Persians -Athenians killed 6000 Persians in one day -Persians burned the Acropolis down -Greece won the Battle of Salamis
Matthew Bishop 3/9/20 Philosopherlapalooza- Socrates -Looked to science and logic for explanation for how the world worked -The Socratic Method fostered critical thinking More Socrates -"The unexamined life is not worth living." -Charged with serious crimes: -Impiety (disrespecting the gods) -Corrupting the youth of Athens -At his trial, he described himself as a singing gadfly, and Athens as a lazy old horse -Found guilty by an Athenian jury, and sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock Plato Carries On -Student and follower of Socrates -Wrote a book called Apology -He wrote out Socrates' teachings and describes his trial -Republic was Socrates' discussion of justice and the ideal state- one of philosophy's most influential books ever (contains the Allegory of the Cave)
Matthew Bishop 3/5/20  The Fighting Spartans -Greeks were certainly a warlike people especially the Spartans -Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry: soldiers who fought on land -Spartan boys started training at age 7 Athens- Naval Power -Athens had a great infantry but the best navy in the world -Their most effective weapon was the Thireme The Phalanx -Close rank, dense grouping of soldiers -Armed with spears and shields -Soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks Persian Wars: Persian Empire vs. Greece -Greece was tiny compared to Persia -Persians have a huge army, and nearly unlimited resources Army vs Army Comparison Greece: -Iron weapons -Hoplites (trained from an early age) -Armed with spears, swords and shields -Phalanx formation -Home field advantage -Motivated to preserve democracy Persian Army: -First archers -Cavalry (disrupt communication between generals and soldiers) -Lightly arm
Matthew Bishop 3/4/20                                                                         Gods and Goddesses -Poseidon interfered with Odysseus trying to return home -Aphrodite had lovers of Zeus and of Semele Who's Who in the Pantheon Zeus- Ruler of heaven and earth; father of Athena; god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order and justice. Athena- Goddess of wisdom, warfare, peace, intelligence, and handicrafts. Born from Zeus' head fully formed and armored. Special patron of heroes- such as Odysseus. She was the patron of Athens(city named after her) Just a Few of The Many Apollo- God of music, arts, knowledge, healing. Zeus was his father, Artemis was his sister. Associated with the sun. Poseidon- God of sea, rivers, floods, earthquakes.Brother of Zeus. Aphrodite- Goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality. Demeter- Goddess of grain, harvest, agriculture. Zeus's sister.
Matthew Bishop 3/3/20 Pericles' Plan for Athens Pericles was a skillful politician, inspiring speaker, and respected general that led Athens during its Golden Age Stronger Democracy -Direct democracy is a from government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Glorious Art and Architecture -The Parthenon was a masterpiece of architectual design and craftsmanship -Classical Art- Values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion in art. Drama and History -A tragedy was a serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war or betrayal. -A comedy contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor. Herodotus's book on the Persian Wars is considered the first work of history. Athenians and Spartans Go to War -Peloponnesian War- War between Athens and Sparta -Sparta, after signing a truce with Athens that didn't last long, finally won the war Philosophers Search for Truth -Philosopher- Great Greek thinkers who were de