
Showing posts from June, 2020
Matthew Bishop 6/3/20 Dear Me, in fifty, sixty years. I hope another virus like corona never happens again. Ever since lock down has happened, I've changed mentally and emotionally, and that's not in a good way. I haven't seen any of my friends for months, I haven't been able to play sports, go out and have fun, for months. It's been very boring being at my house 90 percent of the time fore the past three to four months. School is more difficult doing it online, than in school, and I've lost my whole second half of my freshmen year, something I'll never get back. It's good that I can workout at home with my gym, and stay in shape, but life has been very boring and slow the past couple months. Thank god things are opening up for summer, so I can go out and play in tournaments for baseball, and go out and hang out with friends. I hope next year does not involve online school, but I have a feeling it will because I think there will be another spike wit
Matthew Bishop 6/1/20 What were the factors that led to the downfall of the Roman Republic? 1st Paragraph- When Rome was settled by Etruscans, Greeks, and the Latins they drained swamps into the Tiber river. Tarquin the Proud's Grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima, and this is indirectly the beginning of the Roman Republic. Tarquin the Proud ruled Rome very poorly, as he killed people and his family was just as bad. So after he is expelled from Rome, kings are replaced by consuls. Well this has already lead to the downfall of the Republic. Plebians are not happy, and they refused to serve in the military. This lead to Rome creating a legal code but than they go through the Punic Wars and this creates economic change where farmers lost their land, another reason of why the Republic was going downhill already. But than, Julius Caesar became in charge, and his sudden rise in power is the deciding factor of why the Roman Republic didn't work. 2nd Paragraph- The first reaso