Matthew Bishop


What were the factors that led to the downfall of the Roman Republic?

1st Paragraph- When Rome was settled by Etruscans, Greeks, and the Latins they drained swamps into the Tiber river. Tarquin the Proud's Grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima, and this is indirectly the beginning of the Roman Republic. Tarquin the Proud ruled Rome very poorly, as he killed people and his family was just as bad. So after he is expelled from Rome, kings are replaced by consuls. Well this has already lead to the downfall of the Republic. Plebians are not happy, and they refused to serve in the military. This lead to Rome creating a legal code but than they go through the Punic Wars and this creates economic change where farmers lost their land, another reason of why the Republic was going downhill already. But than, Julius Caesar became in charge, and his sudden rise in power is the deciding factor of why the Roman Republic didn't work.

2nd Paragraph- The first reason was Roman Republic fell, was because of the unfair treatment to plebeians, the regular folks of Rome. They were 98 percent of the population and they had to serve in the army, couldn't hold office, had no legal rights, and were threatened with debt slavery. So they refused to serve in the military until there were written laws that were posted in public and if there were tribunes. So a brand new democratic republic was created. This was similar to the government system we have in the U.S. today. After the Punic Wars, there was an economic change but they were still treated unfair. All of this, including the Punic Wars created an economic change, that wasn't good.

3rd Paragraph- After the Punic Wars, thousands of slaves poured into Italy. After the end of the second century BCE, there were over a million slaves in Italy. This economic change lead to farmers losing their land to aristocrats for no money, if they couldn't pay their debts. Salves worked on these farms, and the big farms became estates called latifundia. Well plebeians didn't like this but military generals had a smart idea.Them and their army would conquer a land, and gave them a share in spoils. Ultimately, however, this lead to Julius Caesar.

4th Paragraph- Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome from 100-44 BCE. He was a great leader, he made common folks happy, and made friends in high places. He granted citizenship to people in provinces, expanded the senate, created jobs for the poor, increased pay for soldiers, and started colonies where people without land could own property. He was great. But all of this power led him to be assassinated because of his rise in power. He was stabbed 23 times, by each Senator just because of his rise in power. And this ended the Republic.

5th Paragraph- When Plebeians were unhappy, they demanded for laws to be written or they wouldn't serve in the military. This lead to economic changes and even if they were still treated unfairly, Julius Caesar helped them. That didn't work out, and with his assassination, the Roman Republic ended, leading to the very dominant Roman Empire.


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