Matthew Bishop


                                                           China's One Child Policy

1. The official definition of the One Child Policy is that it is an official program initiated in the late 1970 and early '80s by the central government of China, the purpose of which was to limit the great majority of family units in the country to one child each.
2. The central government, headed by leader Deng Xiaoping gave serious consideration to the law in the late 70s. On September 25, 1980, a public letter published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party called upon to adhere the one-child policy. This is considered the "official" start date of the policy.
3. The program was supposed to be enforced universally but it became uneven over time. The policy was strongest in the city while being lenient in the countryside. Methods of enforcement included financial incentives, preferential employment opportunities for people who complied, imposing sanctions to people who went against the policy, and sometimes forcing abortions and sterilizations.
Some exceptions included parents in ethnic minority groups or people who's firstborn were handicapped were allowed to have more than one child.
4. The first problem is that the country's overall sex ratio became skewed to men as it was around 3 or 4 percent more than females. There was a rise in female abortions as having a girl with the policy intact was highly undesirable. The second problem is that there was an increase in the population of the elderly. This was a concern because the great majority of senior citizens was to rely on their children for support after they retired and since there were fewer children, to support them, it became a big problem. A third problem is the births of subsequent children after the first went unreported or hidden from authorities. These children, faced hardships in getting an education and a job. The number of these children are not known, but it estimates at around hundreds of thousands to several million children, creating a humongous problem in the country of China.


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