Matthew Bishop


                                            The Theory of Population

1. Malthus says the general nature of animated life is to increase beyond the nourishment provided for it.
2. Malthus believes that man will never be able to escape the consequences of uncontrollable population increase so they would prevent contributing to the growth.
3. He believes that the population will level out to the food supply with population statistics.
4. Malthus's theory was that in the world there are two types of checks that hold the population. One being positive checks, which are causes that can raise the death rate. Things like famine, war, disease, and natural disasters are examples of positive checks. The second type of checks is a preventive check. Preventive checks are checks that lower the birth rate. Preventive checks can include increased levels of abstinence, lack of economic stability, and increased access to birth control.
5. Personally, I don't think he was right. Malthus said the human population was too much for Earth;s substances. This is wrong because studies show we have enough food, resources(oil, natural gas/energy sources) and an increase in technology to provide for the predicted 9.5 billion people in 2050. Malthus prediction was wrong even if he is on to something.                     


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