Matthew Bishop

                                                        Introduction to Migration- Blog #18

 Push and pull factors are factors that either push people into migration or attract them. There are many factors to a push factor, but all of them deals with some sort of problem the country the person is trying to migrate from. A pull factor is something good about a country that attracts a person to that country. Push and pull factors are considered as north and south poles on a magnet.

Examples of a push factor:

War, less job opportunities, bad economy, diseases, dictatorship, bad education, pollution, etc.

Examples of a pull factor:

Good economy, good education, more job opportunities, good leader, security, freedom, etc.

Emigrant- when a person leaves their country for another place.

Immigrant- a person who permanently lives in a foreign country.

All migrants are both emigrants and immigrants as they leave one country to permanently live in a foreign country.

NMR- Net Migration Rate. NMR=Immigrants-Emigrants.


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