Matthew Bishop


1. Terms and Names: Meaning/ Significance
Mycenaean- Some people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C. The name came from their leading city, Mycenae.
Trojan War- A war that took place in the 1200s B.C between the Mycenaeans and Troy. It was thought to be fictional until the 1870s, where it was proven to be true.
Dorians- A new group of people that moved into the war-torn countryside. They spoke a dialect of Greek and may have been relatives to the Bronze Age Greeks.
Homer- A blind man that was, according to tradition, the greatest storyteller. Historians believed that he composed his epics.
Epic- Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds in 750 B.C to 700 B.C.
Myth- Traditional stories written by Greeks about their gods.
3. They could travel for precious natural resources like timber and metals that they lacked without trade.
4. They adapted the Minoans way of writing and decorated vases with Minoan designs.
5. During the Dorian period, the Greeks appeared to have a lost art of writing. These epics could have helped get their art of writing back.


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