Matthew Bishop


                                                                       Warring City-States

Main Idea: Power of city-states in Greece led to the development of several political systems, including democracy.
Why It Matters Now: Many political systems in today's world mirror the varied forms of government that evolved in Greece.
Terms and Names: Polis, acropolis, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyrant, democracy, helot, phalanx, Persian Wars.
Rule and Order in Greek City-States: By 750 B.C, a polis, was the fundamental political unit in ancient Greece. A polis was made up of a city and its surrounding countryside, including numerous villages. Am acropolis was a fortified hilltop.
Greek Political Structures- Monarchy is a king that ruled in a government. Aristocracy was a government ruled by a group of noble, landowning families. Oligarchy is a government ruled by a few powerful people.
Tyrants Seize Power- Tyrants were rulers who sometimes got their power by seizing control of the government by appealing to the common people for support. They weren't harsh and cruel.
Athens Builds a Limited Democracy- Athenian reformers moved toward democracy. Democracy is rule by the people.
Building Democracy-  First step towards democracy was when a nobleman named Darco took power. He developed a code that all Athenians were equal. Solon, another leader, stated that no citizen should own another citizen. Cleisthenes broke up the power of the nobility by organizing cities into ten groups based on where they lived. His reforms allowed Athenian citizens to participate in a limited democracy.
Athenian Education- Only sons of wealthy families went to school. They learned math, grammar, reading, poetry, history, and music. Women learned about child- rearing, weaving cloth, preparing meals an managing the household.
Sparta Builds a Military State:
Sparta Dominates Messenians- Around 725 B.C, Sparta conquered Messenia. They became helots, peasants who were forced to stay on the land they worked. In 650 B.C, they revolted against Sparta, who barely won.


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