Matthew Bishop


                                                                 Warring City-States

Polis- Fundamental political unit, made up of a city and the surrounding countryside.
Monarchy- Rule by one person
Aristocracy-Rule by small group of noble, rich, landowning families
Oligarchy-Wealthy groups, dissatisfied with aristocratic rule, who seized power
Tyrant-Powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support
-During the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece
-They attended symposiums, meeting where the elite men would enjoy wine, poetry, dancers and acrobats, and the company of hetaeras while discussing politics
Draco (621 BCE)
-All Athenian people are equal under law
-Death is a punishment for many crimes
-Work as a slave to pay debts is OK
Solon (594 BCE)
-Outlaws debt slavery
-All Athenian citizens can speak at assembly
-Any Athenian citizen can press charges


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