Matthew Bishop


                                                    Democracy and Greece's Golden Age

Main Idea: Democratic principles and classical culture flourished during Greece's Golden Age.
Why It Matters Now: At its height, Greece set lasting standards in art, politics, literature, and philosophy that are still influential today.
For 50 years, Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning.
Pericles' Plan for Athens
Pericles was a skillful politician, inspiring speaker, and respected general that led Athens during its Golden Age
Stronger Democracy
-Direct democracy is a from government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.
Glorious Art and Architecture
-The Parthenon was a masterpiece of architectual design and craftsmanship
-Classical Art- Values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion in art.
Drama and History
-A tragedy was a serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war or betrayal.
-A comedy contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor.
Herodotus's book on the Persian Wars is considered the first work of history.
Athenians and Spartans Go to War
-Peloponnesian War- War between Athens and Sparta
-Sparta, after signing a truce with Athens that didn't last long, finally won the war
Philosophers Search for Truth
-Philosopher- Great Greek thinkers who were determined to seek the truth, no matter where the search led them.
-Socrates- A critic of the Sophists.
-Plato- A student of Socrates
-Aristotle- Philosopher who questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought and knowledge.


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