Matthew Bishop


Second Slide- Etruscans founded Rome. They came from the north-central part of the peninsula. They were metalworkers, artists, and architects. They also had two foundation myths: The story of Remus and Romulus, and Virgil's Aeneid.

Third Slide- The Greeks also founded Rome. They had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans borrowed ideas from them like religious beliefs, the alphabet, their art, and military techniques and weaponry.

Fourth Slide- The Latins settled at Rome first. They were descendants of Indo- Europeans. They settled on the banks of the Tiber. A commercial port, but were susceptible to attack. They built on seven hills.

Fifth Slide- Remus wanted the hill of Aventine. Romulus wanted the hill of Palatine.

Sixth Slide- Rome was located right on the Tiber River

Seventh Slide- There were many streams that flowed into the Tiber. There was a marshy area called the Forum, which was between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills. Tarquin the Proud's Grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima which tunneled water into the Tiber.

Eighth Slide- Lucius Taquinias Superbus was the seventh and final king of Rome. He ws known as tarquin the Proud and he was a true tyrant, in the old and modern sense of the word.


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