
Showing posts from February, 2020
Matthew Bishop 2/28/20                                                                     Page 139 #1, 2, 3, 5 1.Direct democracy- Form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Classical Art- Art that values harmony, order, balance, and proportion. Tragedy- A serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war and betrayal. Comedy- Contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor. Peloponnesian War- War between Athens and Sparta. Sparta, after signing a truce that didn't last long, ended up winning the war. Philosopher- Great Greek thinkers who were determined to seek the truth, no matter where the search led them. Socrates- A critic of the Sophists. Plato- A student of Socrates. Aristotle- Philosopher who questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought and knowledge. 2. Pericles' goal to make a stronger had the biggest impact in modern day. Democracy is used all over the world toda
Matthew Bishop 2/27/20                                                                                                                          Test On Early Ancient Greece                                               Today in class we took a test on Early Ancient Greece. Even though I didn't study much, I thought the test was relatively easy, with a few challenging questions that I may have gotten wrong. Some of the questions included the map of Ancient Greece, questions about oligarchy, monarchy and democracy, as well as what rivers correlate with what civilization. I think I got an A on the test, as I believe I did well. Next time we take a big test, I'm definitely going to study because I think I could ace it. I might try to use quizlet or another website to help people study for tests, as well using my notes in my notebook. Overall, the test was easy, very short, and should hopefully boost my grade up a little bit.
Matthew Bishop 2/24/20 Rewind to Clash of The Tyrants -Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527 to 510 BCE -His brother was murdered, and his rule became harsh -Eventually, he was ostracized from Athens -In revenge, he began working with the Persian king Darius 1, helping them invade Marathon Next In Line -With Hippias gone,  Isagoras and Cleisthenes engaged in a power struggle -Isogoras had support from majority of aristocrats -Cleisthenes had the support of the majority of Athenians Isagoras Wins (Not for Long) -Becomes archon eponymous -Ostracizes Cleisthenes -Ordinary citizens revolt against Isagoras' tyranny -Trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days- the third day he fled and banished Cleisthenes and Democracy -Cleisthenes- Member of elite -Very rich -Insulated from the "hoi polla" -Was a crafty politician -Saw the value of tapping into the talents, intelligence, and energies of the non-aristocrats Didn't realize the value of women
Matthew Bishop 2/21/19                                                     Democracy and Greece's Golden Age Main Idea: Democratic principles and classical culture flourished during Greece's Golden Age. Why It Matters Now: At its height, Greece set lasting standards in art, politics, literature, and philosophy that are still influential today. For 50 years, Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning. Pericles' Plan for Athens Pericles was a skillful politician, inspiring speaker, and respected general that led Athens during its Golden Age Stronger Democracy -Direct democracy is a from government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Glorious Art and Architecture -The Parthenon was a masterpiece of architectual design and craftsmanship -Classical Art- Values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion in art. Drama and History -A tragedy was a serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war or betr
Matthew Bishop 2/20/19                                                                  Warring City-States Polis- Fundamental political unit, made up of a city and the surrounding countryside. Monarchy- Rule by one person Aristocracy-Rule by small group of noble, rich, landowning families Oligarchy-Wealthy groups, dissatisfied with aristocratic rule, who seized power Tyrant-Powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support -During the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece -They attended symposiums, meeting where the elite men would enjoy wine, poetry, dancers and acrobats, and the company of hetaeras while discussing politics Draco (621 BCE) -All Athenian people are equal under law -Death is a punishment for many crimes -Work as a slave to pay debts is OK Solon (594 BCE) -Outlaws debt slavery -All Athenian citizens can speak at assembly -Any Athenian citizen can press charges
Matthew Bishop 2/18/20                                                                   The Trojan War -Fought around 1200 BCE -Part of Greek mythology until the 19th century -Historians thought it was fake because gods and godesses were involved Meanwhile, "Sea People" and Dorians -Around 1200 BCE, "sea people," invaded Mycenae and burnt palace after palace - The Dorians moved into the wasteland from 1150- 750 BCE. -Dorians were far less advanced -Trade based economy collapsed -Writing disappeared for 400 years Enter Homer the Bard -Greek oral tradition-stories passed on by word of mouth -Homer lived at the end of these "Greek Dark Ages" -Composed epics of the Trojan War Did Homer Actually Exist? -May have been a mythical creation himself -A blind wandering minstrel; a heroic figure -Iliad and Odyssey may be the culmination of many generations of storytelling
Matthew Bishop 2/17/20 Most of the class was reviewing Ancient Greece. However, we added some notes. Some Early People- First, Mycenaeans -Influence began around 2000 BCE -Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge in Peloponnesus -Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1100 BCE -1400 BCE- Mycenaens invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture (writing system, art, language, politics, etc.)
Matthew Bishop 2/13/19                                                                   Ancient Greece is the Word -All of the world's greatest civilizations started on water(usually rivers) -Great civilizations/ key river: Mesopotamia/ Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Egypt/ Nile River, India/ Indus River, China/ Huang He River. Geography/ Its Significance -Greece is a mountainous peninsula. Mountains cover 3/4ths of Greece. Around 2000 island in the Ionain and Agean Seas. Many skilled sailors and shipbuilders. Had poor/ limited natural resources so they had to trade. Developed small, independent communities. Even More Geography -Only 20 percent of Greece is arable(suitable for farming) -Greek diet consisted of grains, grapes, olives, and fish. -Lack of resources led to Greek colonization -Back then, temperatures ranged from the mid 40s in the winter to low 80s in the summer. Men spent most of their time outdoors.
Matthew Bishop 2/11/20                                                                        Warring City-States Main Idea: Power of city-states in Greece led to the development of several political systems, including democracy. Why It Matters Now: Many political systems in today's world mirror the varied forms of government that evolved in Greece. Terms and Names: Polis, acropolis, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyrant, democracy, helot, phalanx, Persian Wars. Rule and Order in Greek City-States: By 750 B.C, a polis, was the fundamental political unit in ancient Greece. A polis was made up of a city and its surrounding countryside, including numerous villages. Am acropolis was a fortified hilltop. Greek Political Structures- Monarchy is a king that ruled in a government. Aristocracy was a government ruled by a group of noble, landowning families. Oligarchy is a government ruled by a few powerful people. Tyrants Seize Power- Tyrants were rulers who sometimes go
Matthew Bishop 2/10/20 1. Terms and Names: Meaning/ Significance Mycenaean- Some people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C. The name came from their leading city, Mycenae. Trojan War- A war that took place in the 1200s B.C between the Mycenaeans and Troy. It was thought to be fictional until the 1870s, where it was proven to be true. Dorians- A new group of people that moved into the war-torn countryside. They spoke a dialect of Greek and may have been relatives to the Bronze Age Greeks. Homer- A blind man that was, according to tradition, the greatest storyteller. Historians believed that he composed his epics. Epic- Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds in 750 B.C to 700 B.C. Myth- Traditional stories written by Greeks about their gods. 3. They could travel for precious natural resources like timber and metals that they lacked without trade. 4. They adapted the Minoans way of writing and decorated vases with Minoan designs. 5. During the
Matthew Bishop 2/9/20                                                       Classical Greece -Lasted from 2000 B.C. to 300 B.C. Timeline: 2000 B.C: Minoan civilization prospers on Crete 1780 B.C: Hammurabi issues code of laws 1500 B.C: Mycenaean culture thrives on Greek mainland 1472 B.C: Hatsheput, a women pharaoh, begins her reign 1200 B.C: Trojan war takes place 1027 B.C: Zhou Dynasty begins in China 850 B.C: Assyrians expand their empire 750 B.C: Greek city-states flourish 479 B.C: Greece triumphs in Persian wars 334 B.C: Alexander starts to build his empire Cultures of Mountains and the Sea Main Idea: The roots of Greek culture are based on interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan and Dorian cultures. Why it Matters Now: The seeds of much of Western cultural heritage were planted during this time. Terms and Names: Mycenaean, Trojan War, epic, myth, Homer and Dorian -By 3000 B.C, the Minoans lived on Crete -They created an elegant civilization that had great p
Matthew Bishop 2/5/20                                                                                                                     Early Egyptians The Writing of the Words of God -Earliest Egyptian writing was formed in 3100 B.C, and were small pictures called hieroglyphics -Egyptian script was written ink on papyrus -Papyrus, the precursor to paper, was stored in scrolls/ books of Ancient Egypt Calendars and Sailboats -Egyptian astronomers created a calendar with 12 months and 365 days -Egyptian doctors wrote extensively on health issues and created potions and cures for a number of common ailments -Wooden sailboats were built to increase transportation on the Nile Pyramids and Temples -The pyramids were massive stone tombs, originally covered in marble, but the marble was later stripped off during the Muslim conquest -The Temple of Amon in Karnak is the largest religious building in the world, which is made of huge blocks of stone -Stone scriptures and inte
Matthew Bishop 2/4/20                                                               Land of the Pharaohs The Nile and the "Two Lands" -Upper Egypt was a 500 mile long strip of fertile land along the Nile -Nile River flows from South to North -The Nile was the major provider of life for Egyptians -In 3100 B.C, the two lands united under a "single" pharaoh(Narmer, AKA Menes) Government by a God-King -Pharaoh was all powerful, worshiped as a god or goddess and connected to other Egyptian gods and goddesses. -Egyptians relied on a harmony and balance of the universe(maat) -Pharaohs has multiple wives, and all routes to financial and social success were through the palace -Women could inherit money and divorce their husbands, though few wielded real political power Gods, Humans, and Everlasting Life -Gods were often portrayed with animal heads or bodies -Egyptians believed in an afterlife, and were mummified to preserve their body for the post- deat
Matthew Bishop 2/4/20 Passing Time I have a lot of personal hobbies that I enjoy to do while bored. My favorite thing to do is to play video games, either by myself or with friends. It is something that I can do to pass time when I'm bored, as it gives me joy. Another thing I do is playing sports, especially baseball. I play this is as a sport but I can also do it as a hobby when I am bored. I can work on my game and I enjoy doing it.
Matthew Bishop 1/24/20                                                                                                    From Prehistory to Civilization   Mesopotamia; Home of the Earliest Cities: -District known as Sumer occupied the local between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers -Population increased dramatically due to new irrigation techniques -Cities with 40,000 inhabitants were founded -A better food storage allowed a big diversity in jobs: priests, tradesmen, farmers and politicians. -Kings and the concept of the "city-state" emerged -Sumerian invented "cuneiform," or the earliest form of writing -A pantheon of gods and goddesses emerged -The world's first epic was the "Epic of Giglamesh," which told the story of a great flood - Sumerian's first divided the hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds, and also a organized a calendar based on moon cycles - Built the Ziggurat, or a Sumerian temple built on top of a
Matthew Bishop 1/29/30   I
Matthew Bishop 1/28/20 I was out of school today with the flu.
Matthew Bishop 1/27/20 I was not at school because of the flu.
Matthew Bishop 1/23/20                                                                               For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.             1. Fertile Crescent- This area was the birthplace to many technological innovations, including writing, the wheel, agriculture and use of irrigation.                  Mesopotamia- The people developed the first written language, religion, and agriculture. It was also the first river valley civilization.                 City-State- Each city and the surrounding land it controlled.                 Dynasty-  A series of rulers from one single family                 Cultural Diffusion- The process in which a new idea or product spreads from one area to another.                 Polytheism- Belief in one or more gods. Many people in Mesopotamia were polytheistic.                 Empire- The bringing together of people, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one leader. There